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Be the Change


Join the Next Generation of Democrats

Who We Are: 

New York High School Democrats (NYHSD) is a statewide political organization that serves as an entry point to Democratic politics for youth activists from across the entire state. Hundreds of our members work at the state and local level to advance the ideals of the Democratic Party, engage fellow students to become active within the American political system, and elect Democratic candidates to public office.


With our vast network of resources and chapters, we aim to provide a powerful and collective voice for politically-active high school students. NYHSD is entirely student run, and dedicated members from all walks of life have the chance to open new doors through their involvement in projects and events. 


NYHSD is part of the nationwide group High School Democrats of America (HSDA) and continues to work with them to further Democratic ideals nationwide. 


NYHSD consists of chapters from Long Island to Syracuse that work almost entirely autonomously, but is led by the NYHSD Executive Board for statewide and regional chapters. 



We believe that young people not only play a key role in, but represent the future of our democracy. NYHSD aims to empower and encourage students to take on an active role in the Democratic Party and across the country by:

  • Fostering civil discourse among those with opposing viewpoints 

  • Creating a community of progressive High School Students

  • Developing Civic engagement of all High School Students 

  • Advocating for issues that will affect High School Students 

  • Promoting meaningful engagement in local politics 

Who We Are: 

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